Wow Is Going Down Hill Fist Again


Rekz is offline

Mechagnome Rekz's Avatar

Exclamation WoW is going downhill fast

Blizzard used to have some great developers who worked hard and made WoW groovy.

Since Wod, this game has gone downhill fast and now, their focus is to slow you down because they are likewise lazy to create content (IE 7.ii IS THE BIGGEST PATCH EVAR!!!).

The game has turned into trying to restrict your movements and slow y'all down so that they can time-sink you to decease because low content (IE Shock set at max level and no flight afterwards finally getting flying, i quest per week).

The mobs in the game are all copy pastes from the earlier devs who knew how to work hard and were dandy at creating engaging content. Unfortunately, a lot of that has turned dried now.

All Blizzard does is copy - paste, and expect you lot, the customer to pay for their latest shiny which is just a alter in color pallet.

Have for case, the upcoming "Allied - Races". Nosotros go a draenai whose a draenai with a slight light peel that should accept been an selection in the barbershop LONG AGO.
We get the aforementioned for dark-Fe Dwarves and the upcoming purple blood-elves for the Alliance.

Not sure if yous guys are familiar with how color pallets piece of work but you lot basically merely click on the colour you want and it changes the color of the character y'all desire it to be.
In other words, it literally takes them less than a second to change the color pallet of the "SHINY NEW ALLIED RACES".

They're basically trying to sell yous used toilet paper.

I for one, will not be spending money on this considering I will not support Blizzard'southward lazy ways.

They take rested on the honour of their past successes without coming upward with anything new since MoP. Let's force them to actually give usa an engaging xpac over again.


Mirishka is offline

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Quote Originally Posted by Rekz View Post

Blizzard used to have some great developers who worked hard and made WoW groovy.

Since Wod, this game has gone downhill fast and now, their focus is to slow you down because they are too lazy to create content (IE 7.ii IS THE BIGGEST PATCH EVAR!!!).

The game has turned into trying to restrict your movements and dull you downwards so that they can time-sink you to death because low content (IE Daze set up at max level and no flight after finally getting flight, 1 quest per week).

The mobs in the game are all copy pastes from the earlier devs who knew how to work hard and were peachy at creating engaging content. Unfortunately, a lot of that has turned dried at present.

All Blizzard does is copy - paste, and look you, the customer to pay for their latest shiny which is just a change in color pallet.

Accept for example, the upcoming "Centrolineal - Races". We get a draenai whose a draenai with a slight light skin that should accept been an option in the barbershop LONG AGO.
We get the same for night-Iron Dwarves and the upcoming purple blood-elves for the Alliance.

Not sure if you guys are familiar with how color pallets work but you basically just click on the colour you want and it changes the colour of the character yous want it to be.
In other words, it literally takes them less than a second to change the color pallet of the "SHINY NEW ALLIED RACES".

They're basically trying to sell you used toilet paper.

I for one, will not be spending money on this because I will non back up Blizzard's lazy ways.

They have rested on the accolade of their by successes without coming up with annihilation new since MoP. Let's forcefulness them to actually give us an engaging xpac over again.

After reading that wall of whining, this was the first thing that came to heed:

And furthermore its clear from your obnoxious mail service that you lot don't know jack shit about game development.

Last edited by Mirishka; 2017-11-09 at 05:xvi AM.

Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're hither. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.


Xar226 is offline

Pandaren Monk

Quote Originally Posted by Rekz View Post

Since Wod, this game has gone downhill fast and now, their focus is to tedious you downward considering they are too lazy to create content (IE 7.two IS THE BIGGEST PATCH EVAR!!!).

Content has e'er been gated. It just used to exist gated behind rep grinds, resistances or gear requirements instead of fourth dimension. Even then there was even so some time gating or "world upshot gating" that serves the same purpose.

I for one, will not be spending money on this because I volition non support Blizzard's lazy ways.

Skillful. That's the mature way to handle information technology when you lot don't think you lot're getting value for your money from a game anymore.

I kind of doubt it'southward truthful though. If y'all care enough to make a "I'M TOTALLY LEAVING GUYS!!" thread I incertitude you're really leaving.

"Nostalgia was like a disease, one that crept in and stole the color from the world and the time y'all lived in. Made for bitter people. Dangerous people, when they wanted back what never was." -- Steven Erikson, The Bedridden God


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